Use these colours whenever possible.
Primary#451EA6rgb(69, 30, 166) cmyk(58, 82, 0, 35) |
Light Primary#7415E3rgb(116, 21, 227) cmyk(49, 91, 0, 11) |
Secondary#3D69DErgb(61, 105, 222) cmyk(73, 53, 0, 13) |
Accent 1#32B1EErgb(50, 200, 255) cmyk(80, 22, 0, 0) |
Accent 2#B5070Argb(181, 7, 10) cmyk(0, 96, 94, 29) |
Accent 3#3CB78Frgb(155, 240, 176) cmyk(35, 0, 27, 6) |
White#F2F2F2rgb(242, 242, 242) cmyk(0, 0, 0, 0) |
Grey#737373rgb(115, 115, 115) cmyk(0, 0, 0, 55) |
Black#121212rgb(18, 18, 18) cmyk(0, 0, 0, 100) |
YARC members are free to use the YARC logos under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. This means you can use the files without modifications.
Use this when the “WY4RC” is large enough to be easily read.
The large logo can also include the YARC website URL.
Use this when the “WY4RC” in the large logo is not large enough to be easily read.
Use this in simple and monochrome contexts (e.g. print). It should only be used in the official black and white colours digitally. In print, use full black and full white. Versions with and without the background colour are available.